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New Sun

I woke up in the morning at the crack of the dawn
And saw no light in sky, the light was somewhere gone
The water was dark, I could hardly see
Where is the Sun, where may it be?

Having looked around but found out the same
Some blacky shadow from gloomy hills came
It moved forth to swallow up all
Our entire world, and the starless night falls.

And wind brought gloom and the fair folk left
To sunny places, to native fairy lands
I cried alone I begged them to stay
But their somber faces said: “we’re away”.

And in the gray air I saw, or it seemed
That in a distance some light had gleamed
I ran forward nights, what must have been days
And finally saw some happy light’s rays.

I was tired and fell, swallowed smell of the ground
And suddenly heard some clear high sounds.
I finally reached it and opened my eyes:
And watched admiringly new Sun’s rise


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