Эти строчки родились как душевный отклик на прекрасный стих моего друга, источник моего вдохновения вы можете посмотреть здесь - http://www.obshelit.ru/works/genre2/17221/
Your sudden “hello” – Like stab in the back, Like stylet in merciful palm... I felt in my bones: ‘twas you. My white flag Was flown - worn out and darned.
My heart was scared, pounding hard, Could scarcely give you a glimpse. Your tender embrace dispelled my guards – My solitude, fear and dreadful dreams.
Let bygones be bygones and let it be, I give you my soul, myself, The whole night is scarce for me, My passion’s like long-expected theft.
We’ll hide away from curious eyes We’ll start the prettiest game, We’ll feel anew all tightening ties And rub the fire again and again!