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Angels dont hear us

Автор оригинала:
Оками Накамура (то есть я)
I often weep in dark nights
And see in the sky much light
It seems me that you look at me
But I don’t see
Where get the wings,
As a sting
That I can’t fly
To turn out to be on the sky
And that me to you to sing?
Angels don’t hear us
But they hear must
We're as personages in a broken game
I call you by your name
And it seems that our tears is glass
Nobody doesn’t hear us
2 verses
For every tumbling
I see your shade
This, as dry bouquet, fades.
How return all backwards?
Come short necessary words
In dreams I'm with you every night
But further heavy fight
With a hole world
But don't care that my heart is cold.

3 verses
Presently I shall get round
The whole huge ground
To return the faint sound the past...
And bid farewell with you at last
Your body's in the heaven
But soul's with me for ever


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