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Tears of passion

Автор оригинала:
Julio Iglesias ("Gozar La Vida")
You're the one I'm lusting for
That's why tonight I'm Yours again
Crave to give You more and more
Pleasure with the taste of sin

Moon is hiding into darkness
I'm going crazy in those hours
But before it starts, You give me
Purest kind of sin

I accept Your love, don't I?
You enjoy love of mine
Let's say pa-pa to my innocence
It is no good for us since tonight
(Wprost niemozliwa)

Tears of passion - baby, what are they?
Tell me - have You ever longed this way?
What You think of when I'm crying almost like a child - ah!
Feeling right what You've done (to me)?

Lzy namietnosci, no - what are they?
Tell me - have You ever loved this way?
What You think of when You treat me like slave at your feet
Feeling right what I've done (to You)?

Look I'm not that trembling
Being afraid of nothing
But I'm crying from love to You
While You're groaning with pleasure
That's all I deserve

Go on and don't pay at me Your attention
I've been weeping for You a number of ages
My life is a torture, so think of Yourself
If now everything's well

I fall down, oh goodness gracious, hold me,
Like there's nothing much more precious for me
It's time to spit on all around in the world
Giving You myself

Tears of passion - baby, what are they?
Tell me - have You ever longed this way?
What You'd say now if I'm crying almost like a child - ah!
Feeling right what You've done (to me)?

Lzy namietnosci, no - what are they?
Tell me - have You ever loved this way?
What You think of when You treat me like slave at Your feet
Feeling right what I've done (to You)?


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