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Come back to me, my angel

I beg for your charity.
In sympathy with me,
Give my mind the clarity,
Ability to see.

Can you be absolvent and
Pardon for offence.
Can you give your saving hand
And another chance.

I pray for your indulgence. Come back to me, my angel.
Let me know you can now forgive my mortal sins.
Give me your clear guidance. Don’t be a silent stranger.
Heal your wounds. Rise again. Stretch your broken wings.

Sorry for my blasphemy,
Ignorance display.
Be so merciful to me.
Kneeling down, I pray.

Come from the obscurity.
I was deaf and blind.
Now I need security,
Restful peace of mind.

I pray for your indulgence. Come back to me, my angel.
Let me know you can now forgive my mortal sins.
Give me your clear guidance. Don’t be a silent stranger.
Heal your wounds. Rise again. Stretch your broken wings.

June 1993

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